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We’ve all heard the expression beauty comes from within, but the bad news is so, do breakouts! Even with a flawless skin regime, if you don’t feed your body with the right nutrients and vitamins, your skin will be more prone to breakouts, and you’ll be missing that glow. Plus, a lot of foods are actually proven to trigger and contribute to breakouts and oily skin, so you should try and avoid them if you can.

1. Dairy

 Dairy is an inflammatory, which can trigger acne because it promotes redness and swelling and can be even more of an issue when someone is lactose or casein [a type of milk protein] intolerant. Food sensitivities, like lactose intolerances, can also cause skin eruptions. But the main culprit is the milk proteins in cow’s milk, which have been shown to trigger breakouts; instead, try to substitute it with almond or coconut milk. However, there are some dairy exceptions – “plain Greek yogurt or kefir, are rich in probiotics that contain healthy bacteria to fight inflammation and promote better skin.”

2. Gluten 

Another big skin “no-no” is gluten, which is the mixture of two proteins that are responsible for the elastic texture of dough. Gluten sensitivities are extremely prevalent and can contribute to inflammation and stomach imbalances, which trigger reactions that are visible in the skin. Thankfully, there are now so many delicious alternatives like gluten-free bread or pasta so opt for this next time, in the name of great skin.

3. Night Shade Vegetables

We’ve got to say, this one seriously surprised us – nightshade vegetables including tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, and eggplant should also be avoided if you want to stay clear of a breakout. While they all have important health properties, they can also be inflammatory. There are alkaloids in nightshade vegetables, most notoriously solanine, which can cause inflammation and be irritating for the stomach. Instead, eat skin-happy vegetables like leafy greens, cauliflower, beetroot or broccoli, which will help restore the balance of your skin, and that are full of glow-enhancing minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

4. Sugar

As much as we hate to admit it, sugar is a major contributor to breakouts. So, for the sake of your skin, stay clear of the sweet aisle at the grocery store, because sugar and foods that contain refined sugar cause inflammation, yeast overgrowth, and hormonal fluctuations. All of which, can all lead to bad skin. If you do have a sweet craving, grab some dark chocolate instead. We know it may taste slightly bitter at first, but it contains beauty-boosting antioxidants, and it’ll improve blood circulation so that more oxygen is delivered to your skin, leaving it looking radiant AF. Just make sure your dark chocolate is 75% or more, or find some delicious cacao recipes

5. Condiments, Dressings, and Marinades

Avoid condiments, dressing, and marinades, many people make the mistake of following a seemingly healthy diet, yet they don’t take into consideration what their foods are soaking in. Condiments, dressings, and marinades can be full of wheat, soy, sugar, refined vegetable oils and sneaky ingredients (very inflammatory) you may have never considered. If you’re acne-prone, it’s much better to prepare or order your food simply grilled with a little extra virgin olive oil instead.