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Summer Skin Is Made In Winter

You have all heard the phrase, summer bodies are made in winter, but what about summer skin? There is nothing better than waking up in the morning and feeling great about your skin, so much so that you don’t need to put makeup on. #Goals

What happens in winter is you often go into hibernation and your skin bears the brunt of aggrivating levels of heating, and harsh weather, and often your habits get a little lazier, water intake goes down and more. This all affects your skin BUT what you don’t realise is that the cooler months are the perfect time to boost your skin and really make effective changes. Why? Less Sun and less heat. This means you can go deeper, and push your skincare game harder without leaving yourself vulnerable to as many harsh rays from the sun or heat-activated reactions that we have to be aware of during the warmer months.

What are some of the best things to treat right now?

  • Pigmentation
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Skin clarity
  • Healing scarring & acne treatment
  • Redness
  • And so much more


Over the cooler months, we have the chance to treat issues that can compound during the warmer months of the year. You have a huge range of treatments available in the salon to choose from and home care options that allow you to take the results you see in the salon home to continue to boost your results and get your skin glowing and ready for Spring.

What are some of your new favourite skin treatments for Winter?


If you would like to tackle your skin issues head-on, now is the perfect time.
